Glamour and grammar / by Benjamin Moser --
First stories: The triumph ; Obsession ; The fever dream ; Jimmy and I ; Interrupted story ; The escape ; Excerpt ; Letters to Hermengardo ; Gertrudes asks for advice ; Another couple of drunks --
Family ties: Daydream and drunkeness of a young lady ; Love ; A chicken ; The imitation of the rose ; Happy birthday ; The smallest woman in the world ; The dinner ; Preciousness ; Family ties ; Beginnings of a fortune ; Mystery in São Cristóvão ; The crime of the mathematics teacher ; The buffalo --
The foreign legion: The disasters of Sofia ; The sharing of loaves ; The message ; Monkeys ; The egg and the chicken ; Temptation ; Journey to Petrópolis ; The solution ; Evolution of a myopia ; The fifth story ; A sincere friendship ; The obedient ones ; The foreign legion --
Back of the drawer: The burned sinner and the harmonious angels ; Profile of chosen beings ; Inaugural adress ; Mineirinho --
Covert joy: Covert joy ; Remnants of carnival ; Eat up, my son ; Forgiving God ; One hundred years of forgiveness ; A hope ; The servant ; Boy in pen and ink ; A tale of so much love ; The waters of the world ; Involuntary incarnation ; Two stories my way ; The first kiss --
Where were you at night: In search of a dignity ; The departure of the train ; Dry sketch of horses ; Where were you at night ; Report on the thing ; Manifesto of the city ; The conjurings of Dona Frozina ; That's where I'm going ; The dead man in the sea at Urca ; Silence ; A full afternoon ; Such gentleness ; Soul storm ; Natural life --
The Via Crucis of the body: Explanation ; Miss Algrave ; The body ; Via Crucis ; The man who showed up ; He drank me up ; For the time being ; Day after day ; The sound of footsteps ; Before the Rio-Niterói Bridge ; Praça Mauá --
Pig Latin ; Better than to burn ; But it's going to rain --
Vison of splendor: Brasília --
Final stories: Beauty and the Beast or The enormous wound ; One day less --
Appendix: The useless explanation --
Translator's note / by Katrina Dodson --