pt. 1. lecture 1. History as a "soft" science
lecture 2. Augustus the Strong, princely consumption
lecture 3. Robert Walpole, politics of corruption
lecture 4. Frederick the Great, absolute absolutist
lecture 5. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a modern self
lecture 6. Samuel Johnson, the "harmless drudge"
lecture 7. Maria Theresa, mother of the empire
lecture 8. David Hume, the cheerful skeptic
lecture 9. C.P.E. Bach, selling the arts
lecture 10. Catherine the Great, Russian reformer
lecture 11. Joseph II, the rational emperor
lecture 12. Goethe, the artist as work of art.
pt. 2. lecture 13. Adam Smith, the wealth of nations
lecture 14. Marie Antoinette, queen beheaded
lecture 15. Edmund Burke, the new conservatism
lecture 16. Robespierre, the democrat as terrorist
lecture 17. Mary Wollstonecraft, the rights of women
lecture 18. Napoleon, the revolutionary emperor
lecture 19. Metternich, the spider and the web
lecture 20. N.M. Rothschild, financier to the world
lecture 21. Goya, the painter as social critic
lecture 22. Giuseppe Mazzini, idealist of the nation
lecture 23. George Eliot, a scandalous woman
lecture 24. The Irish starve, the great famine.
pt. 3. lecture 25. Napoleon III, the empire of the boulevards
lecture 26. Pius IX, the infallible pope
lecture 27. Richard Wagner, revolution in music
lecture 28. Marx and Engels, the perfect collaboration
lecture 29. Otto von Bismarck, blood and iron
lecture 30. Charles Darwin, origin of species
lecture 31. Queen Victoria, "We are not amused"
lecture 32. Friedrich Krupp, the new plutocracy
lecture 33. Louis Pasteur, modern laboratory science
lecture 34. Count Leo Tolstoy, lord and serf
lecture 35. Alfred Dreyfus, first act in the Holocaust
lecture 36. David Lloyd George, champion of the poor.