Part 1: Cyberbullying and the law. How did we get here? : the Internet and the First Amendment ; Ethics in an e-world ; State, Federal, and European laws on cyberbullying
Part 2: Cyberbullying cases. Does location matter? ; How a careless email can turn into a Federal case ; Balancing student rights and school responsibilities ; Political expression or intentional harassment? ; When does school discipline become unconstitutional? ; Do libel laws apply online? ; Litigating lewdness ; What's the issue, content or access? ; Free speech or true threat? ; When creative writing becomes criminal content ; When graphic arts get too graphic ; Prank or plan? ; Know thy student handbook ; Are you responsible for everything on your site? ; So you want to be a hacker? ; When cyberbullying turns deadly
Part 1: Cyberbullying and the law. How did we get here? : the Internet and the First Amendment ; Ethics in an e-world ; State, Federal, and European laws on cyberbullying
Part 2: Cyberbullying cases. Does location matter? : case: J.S. v. Bethlehem Area School District (2002) ; How a careless email can turn into a Federal case : case: Zachariah Paul v. Franklin Regional School District (2001) ; Balancing student rights and school responsibilities : case: Justin Layshock v. Hermitage School District (2007) ; Political expression or intentional harassment? : case: A.B. v. State of Indiana (2008) ; When does school discipline become unconstitutional? : case: Avery Doninger v. Lewis Mills High School (2008) ; Do libel laws apply online? : case: I.M.L. v. State of Utah (2002) ; Litigating lewdness : case: Gregory Requa v. Kent School District (2007) ; What's the issue, content or access? : case: Jon Coy v. Canton City Schools (2002) ; Free speech or true threat? : case: Joshua Mahaffey v. Waterford School District (2002) ; When creative writing becomes criminal content : case: Nick Emmett v. Kent School District (2000) ; When graphic arts get too graphic : case: Aaron Wisniewski v. Weedsport Central School District (2007) ; Prank or plan? : case: State v. Joshua Mortimer (2001) ; Know thy student handbook : case: Jack Flaherty Jr. v. Keystone Oaks School District (2003) ; Are you responsible for everything on your site? : case: Ryan Dwyer v. Oceanport School District (2005) ; So you want to be a hacker? : case: Justin Boucher v. School District of Greenfield (1998) ; When cyberbullying turns deadly : case: United States v. Lori Drew (2008)